Legal Law News

Laws are spider webs through which the big flies pass and the little ones get caught.

Real Estate Law

Limited Power of Attorney Forms For Incapacitated Landlords

There are cases when special power of attorney forms can be used by the landlord in order to seek help with on member of their family. Sudden accident that makes a landlord incapacitated to do certain transaction is a very…

Experience the Benefits From Free Online Legal Forms

In this generation, the technology has grown so fast and it has become even helpful to many people who preferred to search legal forms in the net and have these forms for free, instead of seeing an attorney for consultation….

Real Estate Law

Benefits of Forming a Trust to Hold Title To Your Assets

Assets Held As Joint Tenants With Your Spouse Problem: At the first spouse’s death the surviving spouse will receive ONLY a 50% step-up in basis AND joint tenancy fails to take advantage of the decedent’s spouse’s applicable exclusion amount. Solution:…

Real Estate Law

CEQA Initial Study Checklist – Population and Housing

Introduction This series of questions deals with a project’s effect on increasing population growth either directly (developing new housing and businesses), or indirectly (by extending new infrastructure into undeveloped areas). It also deals with the displacement of housing and people…

Real Estate Law

The Forgotten Oath

Anyone who has been a witness in court remembers the bailiff asking them to raise their right hand a repeat after him: “Do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?” There…

Real Estate Law

Spotlight on Conveyancing – DIY Conveyancing

It is possible to do your own conveyancing, but unless you’re some high flying conveyancing lawyer we wouldn’t recommend it. With so many risks, the potential for disaster is huge unless you really know you’re stuff. However, some people still…

Real Estate Law

Loan Modifications – Understanding The Three Types Of Mortgage Modification

Millions of people struggle every month to pay their mortgage, often on homes that are now worth less than ever. It’s incredibly frustrating, and if you lose a job or become ill, you may not be able to continue making…

Real Estate Law

Understanding Your Lease Agreement

When a property owner and an individual who has the option of purchasing the property at the end of the lease period, comes to an ordinary lease agreement, this agreement is called a Lease Purchase Agreement. This system was regularly…