Legal Law News

Laws are spider webs through which the big flies pass and the little ones get caught.

David A. Keller

Why You Need an 18-Wheeler Accident Attorney

How often have you driven down the interstate only to stop in a long line of traffic? You wait, you get mad, and you wonder what is causing the delay. When you finally reach the point where the traffic is…

How Car Conditions Can Cause Accidents

While the human factor is the most commonly cited reason why traffic accidents happen, there are also other causes. It is true that traffic accidents are mostly caused by humans making errors or when the driver is under the influence…

Why Do I Need A Personal Injury Attorney?

A personal injury attorney or known in the legal world as “ambulance chasers” are the right professionals to call on when you or a loved one incur an injury through accident. Most of the time, the victims do not get…

Experience the Benefits From Free Online Legal Forms

In this generation, the technology has grown so fast and it has become even helpful to many people who preferred to search legal forms in the net and have these forms for free, instead of seeing an attorney for consultation….

Why Would You Need An Employment Law Lawyer?

Regardless of whether you are an employer or an employee, you may find that meeting with an employment law lawyer is the best decision when it comes to protecting your rights at work. As employment law is such a wide…

Ohio and OVI Record Sealing

Record sealing and expungement can be an important process when it comes to achieving post-conviction goals like employment. These two terms are often confused, but are in fact two very different processes. This is an important distinction for Ohio, because…

Social Security Administration Commissions – Independent Study of Judges Deciding Appeals

Federal administrative law judges who hear Social Security Disability appeals have widely ranging records that may indicate unfairness in the appeals process. The Social Security Administration is commissioning a review of the entire disability system to make sure it is…

Personal Documents – Four Tips to Organize, Manage and Protect, For Emergencies Too

The recent tragic story of a friend’s loss of her former husband in a drowning accident was compounded by his not having prepared a trust, a will, or an accessible list of passwords. In the drowning, his body was never…


New Immigration Rules and Procedures for Mexico

Effective April 29, 2010, new rules and guidelines governing immigration controls on foreigners entering Mexico became effective, along with a publication of the National Immigration Institute’s new manual of criteria and immigration procedures. Among other changes, such rules provide for:…

Real Estate Law

Benefits of Forming a Trust to Hold Title To Your Assets

Assets Held As Joint Tenants With Your Spouse Problem: At the first spouse’s death the surviving spouse will receive ONLY a 50% step-up in basis AND joint tenancy fails to take advantage of the decedent’s spouse’s applicable exclusion amount. Solution:…