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How Truck Accidents Are Different From Regular Car Accidents
Traffic Law

How Truck Accidents Are Different From Regular Car Accidents

Truck accidents are different than regular car accidents. The reason is that there are certain safety features that are built into a truck that can help prevent them from being involved in a crash. The driver of a truck should also be aware that they are required to drive in a way that will not cause them to get into a collision. Learn more about how truck accidents are different than car accidents below.

Sideswipe truck accidents

Sideswipe accidents can be devastating. They often lead to catastrophic injuries. The victim may suffer a range of injuries, including broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord damage, and internal organ injury.

In addition to the devastating physical injuries, many victims of sideswipes also suffer mental anguish. The pain and suffering from a sideswipe can last for years.

Sideswipe accidents occur when a vehicle is in a position to move sideways and fails to do so. Usually, the driver is distracted, making it difficult for them to properly judge their maneuvering space. Aside from the distraction, they also fail to notice hazards. They can stray into other lanes, or they can miss a turn lane.

If the driver is a commercial trucker, there are additional factors to consider. They have larger blind spots than cars do. They must be particularly careful when they are changing lanes.

T-bone collisions

A T-bone car crash is a collision that causes the front of one car to hit the side of another. While these accidents may seem to be harmless, they can result in serious injuries, particularly when it comes to the front-end.

These crashes are commonly seen at intersections. Usually, they are caused by a driver attempting to make a left turn or running a red light. They can be very dangerous, especially for small children.

T-bone car wrecks can cause catastrophic injury or death. If the other driver is found to be at fault, a personal injury lawyer can help the victim seek compensation. Some of the most common injuries include broken bones, abrasions, and traumatic brain injuries. These can lead to long-term medical treatments, and a shortened work or school life.

Rear-end collisions

Rear-end collisions are a common vehicle accident, but they are not all created equal. Especially when they involve trucks. They can be devastating and cause a number of catastrophic injuries.

One of the most common injuries in these accidents is whiplash. Whiplash is a neck injury that results from an abrupt impact that causes the head and neck to bounce around. These injuries can be very painful and can last for months or years.

Other injuries can include concussions, broken bones, and soft tissue damage. These injuries may require medical treatment and time off work. Symptoms include numbness, tingling, and increased pain with certain movements.

Rear-end collisions are often a result of aggressive driving, such as tailgating and cutting in front of another vehicle. Distracted driving can be an additional cause of this type of accident.

Crushing of a smaller vehicle

When a larger vehicle crushes a smaller vehicle, the smaller vehicle’s occupants will suffer more serious injuries. This can include bone fractures, soft tissue damage, or amputation.

A large truck’s weight can be enough to crush a smaller passenger vehicle. This type of collision is usually fatal.

If the victim is unable to get out of the wreckage, an amputation may be necessary. However, waiting to seek medical help can be dangerous. If left untreated, the victim can suffer complications that can be life-threatening.

When a person’s limb is amputated, the toxins from the limb will spread throughout the body. Blood flow to the affected area can be restricted, which can lead to tissue death and necrosis.

A person’s blood pressure may become unstable, leading to a cardiac arrest. Deep tissue injuries can cause swelling and bleeding. Blunt trauma can also result in internal organs being damaged.

Compensation for losses resulting from the collision

A truck accident can cause a lot of pain and suffering for the victim and his or her family. There may be property damage, loss of wages, or emotional distress. In order to make a claim for damages, there are several steps that a victim must take.

The first is to call a lawyer. A lawyer can calculate the amount of compensation you deserve for your injuries. This can include compensation for the lost wages you missed because of your injury. You may also be able to get reimbursement for medical treatment, transportation to and from medical treatments, and modifications to your home.

The amount of money you are owed for the damages resulting from a truck accident depends on a number of factors. The total value of your claim may not be determined for weeks or months. It is important to consult with an experienced attorney as soon as possible.